Friday, March 23, 2007

Separated at birth?

Separated at birth?
Originally uploaded by bryenz.

Elmer Fudd, cartoon superhero and nemesis of "Wascally Wabbit" Bugs Bunny..


Bernie Stone, Chicago 50th Ward Alderman-For-Life

Whoever advised Alderman Stone to put his picture in the 'o' in his name apparently has no recollection of Looney Tunes cartoons. There's another version of this campaign poster floating around which has his picture actually larger than the 'o' - his head kind of sticks out the top - making it much more like the Looney Tunes thing. Alas, these campaign signs have disappeared.

This ward, like most in Chicago, has a history of aldermanic election dirty tricks, including campaign poster/sign theft. I can't imagine why, but I think all of Stone's signs with his mug in the 'o' have disappeared except for this one, located way up the side of a dry cleaners on California and Rosemont.

Why steal it when you can take a picture and make fun on the Internets?

Stone's platform for re-election this year seems to be basically "I'm around, I've done some stuff, who the hell are these guys running against me?" His campaign lit brags up achievements from 1978 (!) I think he's actually running scared this time.. he's in a runoff, and he's sending his precinct captains (read "hired goons") around to bully voters into coming out for the runoff election in April. Usually no one gives a crap about the runoff elections, so the more people his hired goons captains can drag up, the better off he is.


Corey said... vewwy vewwy quiet....I'm hunting wabbits.....

Anonymous said...

There's still a sign with the stretch version photo in a vacant storefront on Western just north of Devon. His new "run-off" signage matches the colors of his opponent Naisy Dolar. I'm no advertising whiz, but isn't one of the first rules of marketing to keep your look / message consistent?

Bryen said...

he has new runoff signage? All I've seen lately is the old February signs with an "April 17" sticker over the February date.

Between that and his ward boss harassing us outside our house last weekend, he's not exactly making friends with me. I didn't vote for him last time and I'm not going to vote for him this time either (could you tell?)

Of course, if he wins, this blog will result in Streets and San tearing up the street in front of our house at 3am some morning, no doubt.

Anonymous said...

I think the pictured campaign ads look like they're advertising for a horror movie. "Re-elect Berny Stone" back from the dead and ready to take on the Dolar denizen!!

Anonymous said...

I've been tempted to change the signs to read "Bernie Stone: Good for the 1950s."

That guy is dishonest and lazy. (Have you seen the pics of him sleeping at the council meetings?)

Insiders believe he even staged the "vandalism" at his office--it came close on the heels of Dolar signs being stolen across the ward. I haven't seen any of the Stone signs on my blog disappear--only the Dolar ones.

But -- yay! -- latest polls shows that Dolar will prevail.

Anonymous said...

How about "Re-elect Bernard Stoner, wood for the 50th" and about as lively.
Bryen, what did the ward boss do?

Bryen said...

Willow --

it was more annoying than anything else. We were coming back from somewhere with three kids that were having bathroom emergencies. He was hanging around outside the front door trying to get us to register to vote (we were) and to discuss Bernie's achievements.. despite being told that we didn't have time to talk, that I was supporting his guy, etc etc. He wouldn't easily go away.

I'm happy that it looks like Dolar will win. I thought she and Brewer were both good candidates last time around, so had either of them won, I would have been satisfied.

I can't abide voting for a guy who sleeps through council meetings (yes, I saw those pics; nice!) and can't come up with an achievement more recent than "worked to create Warren Park."

Anonymous said...

Much of what Stone says is just to puff himself up and look good to the public. If anyone starts digging through some of the records like news reports and interviews they (like myself) begin to see the inconsistencies and how aged he is. I am pro-Dolar but now am also anti-Stone. I think most people got a kick out of the "sleeping Bernie" pic, and the campaign signs. April 17th, runoff election, time to tuck him in and say night night.

Unknown said...

Salman "Sellout" Aftab endorses Stone! With no patronage jobs left to dole out, I wonder what promises Bernie made to get the 500 votes Aftab might bring.

My guess is that Stone caught wind of two recent polls (one with heavy Jewish sampling) that show Dolar up at least six points and got even more desperate. Madigan sent a consultant and less than 48 hours later the office is vandalized with anti-Semitic slogans written in Tagalog? Please!

But as far as endorsements go, there will be an even bigger one later this week that might just seal the deal for a Dolar victory. Since Salman abandonded his "ABS - Anybody But Stone" stance, maybe I'll hop on the bandwagon, though I wish a stronger candidate would be the one to take Bernie out.

On the topic of changing Stone's signs, my personal favorite (seen on a Western Ave billboard near 7300 N) is the simple addition of an 'L' which makes it read "GO-OLD FOR THE 50TH."