Monday, March 5, 2007

Random Chicago Holiday: Casimir Pulaski Day

Happy Casimir Pulaski Day to all six of my readers!

Happy what, you might say? In Chicago, the first Monday in March is Casimir Pulaski Day. Read all about it from our friends at Wikipedia: link.

I didn't even know this holiday existed until I moved here. Despite all the crap I take about "bankers' hours" and excessive holidays, I am actually at work today as are 80% of the rest of the people in town. City workers are, of course, off. Chicago schools are closed -- surprise! -- in their effort to move towards a blissful goal of zero actual instructional days in a year. And there's no garbage pickup today.. leaving piles of crap in our alley for the squirrels to rustle through. (a side note: these alley squirrels are vicious. They chew through thick plastic garbage cans. They're almost as bad as the rabbit in Monty Python's Flying Circus.)

I can't find in any of the CP Day lit (well, the two websites I saw this morning doing my diligent research for this post) why Chicago in particular would celebrate this holiday and other areas would not.. other than the fact that Chicago is the second largest Polish city in the world (actual statistic, not made up.)

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