Monday, March 5, 2007

Part Two of an ongoing series...

Originally uploaded by bryenz.

...titled "Goofballs On The Metra"

This evening's commute featured this fine specimen, who you can see loudly gabbing on his cell phone. This conversation was about his (hopefully ex-) wife. He regaled the entire half of the train car with stories of this woman, how childish she is, and how much he can't stand her because he's a "saint" and puts up with all her "shit." And so on, and so on. For at least twenty minutes.

Sir. Do you not realize that we can ALL HEAR YOU? Do you think we all WANT TO HEAR YOU?


See that empty seat to your left? That person got up and went into the vestibule because he didn't want to hear you talking smack about this woman any more. He got sick of it. We ALL got sick of it.

Oh, and by the way. A piece of fashion and comfort advice might be in order. It's 25 degrees outside and there's still snow and ice around. No matter how nice that sun looks, it's still cold. Socks may be an appropriate attire choice. Consider it.

1 comment:

Corey said...

You should check this out....