Saturday, February 17, 2007

Who the hell is this guy?

relaxed on Metra?
Originally uploaded by bryenz.

So you might know that we've had a bit of snow here in Chicago this week..

  • Tuesday, we got about a foot or so, depending on where you are.. southsiders got more
  • Wednesday, the closer you were to the lake, the more you got; lake effect!
  • Saturday morning, we got another three inches or so
As you can imagine, it's slushy, dirty, salty, sandy, all of the above. Trains and buses are a mess, everyone's car is covered in grime, people are tracking salt and crud everywhere, and so on.

So what do you do if you're a Metra commuter coming in from Evanston? Well, apparently, you get on the train, snag two seats upstairs, kick off your shoes and stretch out! Meanwhile, people are standing in the stairwells, scrunched in the vestibules and packed in the aisles so the conductors can't get by. I suppose I should at least be happy he didn't leave his shoes on.. at least there isn't snow and salt on the seat, just foot funk.

Honestly, I'm surprised someone didn't bring him his pipe and slippers.


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