Monday, February 26, 2007

Not just snow... it's POWER SNOW

Greetings from Bishop International Airport, Flint, MI. No, there are no public tubes to the internets here, so I'm posting from my BlackBerry. This is probably the last time I'll do this since the posting interface sucks on a two-inch screen, but I digress.

There is apparently some kind of apocalypse at O'Hare because my flight is over two hours late and rising. This storm has wreaked havoc with air travel. O'Hare was scrod all weekend and apparently isn't much better right now, even though the weather is just moderate IFR (2mi visibility, 900 broken/2000 overcast).

When you cram every possible takeoff/landing op into a place, and things slow down even a smidge, any delay ripples through the system like a tsunami. Hence, sitting in the Flint internet-less business center giving myself BlackBerry Thumb.

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