Friday, May 16, 2008

your oven is a dry heat, too

So yesterday was supposed to be the hottest day of the year so far. Of course, what do I have to do? Play in a golf tournament for work, that's what. We sponsored a tournament at Castlewood Country Club in Pleasanton. Tee time was 12:30pm, right during the heat of the day. The high in Pleasanton yesterday was 103. No amount of iced towels, bottles of water, etc. can really help that any.

Today's even hotter. I picked up a couple steaks to grill this evening (hey, might not even need to use the grill!) and on the way down to the meat market, the car's thermometer hit 110.

To top it all off, there's this. This fire was less than two miles from our house. They're saying that wildfire season is going to start sooner this year (surprise.. it hasn't rained in six weeks and the next rain is expected in, oh, October or so.) Time to start with the active fire prevention around our place..

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