Monday, September 17, 2007

Week Two Update

Well, everyone's getting settled into the new house. We're pretty lucky to have a fully enclosed back yard so the kids can play outside with no fears of running into the street or anything. We bought one of those blow-up pools, so they're having a grand old time splashing around in that thing.

Problem is, when it drains.. hoo boy. We started putting it on top of one of the drains in the back yard (is that a California thing to have a drainage system in your yard?) so that once it runs out, it goes down the drain instead of creating a swamp in the yard.

I've had to mow that thing twice now, and probably should have done it more; but I've been out of town so much.

Leah's in school now.. first day pictures are up on flickr for all to see.

As of now we're planning to be back up in the Upper Midwest around Christmas time. More info to follow.....

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