Tuesday, June 5, 2007


That sound you hear? Yes. Crickets.

Not cicadas, although those are supposed to be around here; the Great Cicada Invasion of 2007 never materialized (at least, not yet) here in Chicago. The burbs are reported to have a bunch, but I haven't seen one yet. I live in an older neighborhood, too; nothing's changed here since 1990 when the last bunch of these guys laid eggs and croaked. So, who knows where they went... but that's ok. I don't really want to hear three kids running around, screaming about the "icky bugs." Spiders are bad enough. Three-inch long flying cockroaches would cause heart attacks.

There's been some stuff going on around here which cannot be posted.. yet. Stay tuned. I promise to update more frequently than every month, starting with the resume-polishing that I've been doing. I sat in a small cubicle (smaller than my own!) in the burbs today taking a three and a half hour exam (which, yay for me, I passed!) that now allows me to put the letters "CTP" after my name on my resume. High excitement!


Corey said...

CTP......Certified Turd Polisher?

The Zimm said...

CTP....Certified Tush Pucker-er!